Looking for a sworn translation?
Our platform connects you with certified translators, who guarantee the highest quality. In just one step you can obtain a free quote including a delivery date. Only two further steps are required to confirm and safely pay online. Rely on us to get your sworn translation done when you need it.
Official sworn translators
Available in all languages
Online price calculation and safe online checkout
PDF by email and paper copy by post
100% on-time delivery
Sworn translations since 2008
What our customers say
I already ordered from them two sworn translations, a university title and a birth certificate, to English and Nederlands. The translations were clean and fast (3 working days) in both cases. They also have a quick response for any question. Recomended.
Absolutely great experience with certified translations.
I have received documents before predicted time and had no issues with quality of work. Personnel is very professional and responding fast on any requests. Highly recommended.
Excellent service. Being an expat, for my local commune paper work, I had to have my Birth and Marriage certificates translated from English to French and had also had to legalize the document by SPF justice. Very professional, friendly, responsive and high quality service. Also got the paper works done on time. Thanks for the great service and making the life more easy and wonderful.
How does it work?
You can order and receive your sworn translation in just a few easy steps:
1Select your languages and upload the document: Select the correct languages and upload your document safely onto our platform.
2Place your order and pay online: You immediately receive a non-binding quote including a price and delivery date. Confirm the order and safely pay online.
3We will translate your document and deliver before the deadline: Our experienced, certified translators will start right away and deliver the highest quality before the deadline.
4Receive your translation by email and/or by post: You can choose whether you want to receive the translation only digitally or by registered post as well - fast, reliable and legally recognized.
Whether you need a sworn translation of a certificate or another important document, you can rely on our experts to handle all your translation requests with efficiency and professionalism.